Amazingly amazing


What an amazing blog. It looks just amazing. Amazingly amazing. I’m amazed.

Honestly, I’m almost speechless with how good it looks. Almost, but I still gotta blog, right? But seriously, Tim has done an incredible job, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Tim, thank you.

Together, we will make beautiful writings together. Or rather, separately, but they’ll be published together. And look awesome in the process. FREAKIN’ AWESOME.

I’m trying not to gush here, but really. Wow. Still, gotta move on to something new and shiny and interesting!

Well now. It’s been about a million years since I last blogged, so I’m not going to try and recount everything, cause that’d be boring, and hell, I can’t remember it all anyway. I have just returned from Sydney, so I could regale you will hilarious anecdotes from there, but honestly, I can’t even remember that far back. It was mostly sleeping really late, reading awesome books, catching up with my family and friends and spending quality time, in the form of every second of every day, with my Timly (AWWWWWGHHHH).

I’d like to say I had a great time, but really, without Tim there, the BadTimes would’ve at least equaled the GoodTimes, and that’s a ratio that really could’ve been improved on, quite frankly. It was… difficult being back at home. I’d forgotten the extent to which my family doesn’t function as a normal one. That and some things at home needing sorting out, and some money problems, meant I broke down in tears on more than one occasion. I was looking forward to coming home, but was afraid of what I’d find here.

On that note, things seem to be working themselves out more or less. Some problems have resolved themselves, others are rearing their ugly head, the money troubles are changing but not for better or worse, really. Just changing.

For example, I come home to find my company in receivership, and all staff but the store manager and assistant manager let go. So now, having lost the EB job, I’m completely unemployed. A feeling I haven’t really experienced since I’ve moved here, let alone since we’ve had bills to pay and food to buy. Combined with Tim’s company giving THEIR entire staff a hard time on the money front, we’re a little concerned.

Blah, blah, blah, enough about money.

Fable 2 came out, World Tour came out, Rock Band finally hit Australia, we got a PS3, there’s been a lot of action on the video game front. Fable was every bit as excellent as I expected it to be. I’m waiting for the story to wear off a little so I can play it again, only different. Y’know. I’d like to pick up Storm of Zehir at some point, but I’ll be putting it off till it drops some more, and I get some income. Obviously.

Also, the WeekLAN this Thursday. Hopefully someone will have games my computer can handle that I can steal sample temporarily. But at the least I’ll snag borrow some Futurama, and maybe some of season 3 of Heroes.

I’m sorry I made you take your time off for Christmas, Tim, instead of the LAN. I didn’t even think. I’m sorry. 🙁

Well, Tim’s on his way home, and we’ve got to jump back on the gym wagon, though really, the leap itself should be more than enough exercise. And I’ve more writing to do elsewhere.

So ends the first post of Jess the Eloquent of Buttsvale.

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Externalised memory priestess from the elemental plane of pink. I hyperbolise every second of the day. On Twitter here.

3 thoughts on “Amazingly amazing”

  1. No need to apologise! You didn’t make me take time off for Christmas! I wanted to take it off. The LAN will always be less important than that. Don’t worry about it!

    I guess I could have just said this out loud, since you’re sitting over there on the couch, but y’know, new blog! Let’s get this commenting-shit on.

    I love you.

  2. Nice guys. Blog looks totally hot, Tim. Real nice work.

    Also on other note, I can lend you Futurama on DVD and/or give you season 3 of Heroes if you require.

    Dodging around the issue here…I’d write something like ‘you guys know that you can come to me for you know like money or support or whatever’ but you already know that. So ill just shut my mouth. 🙂

    Don’t worry too much about the job thing, Jessie. You got tons of skillz (with a z that’s TOTAL skills!). It’ll work out. I have complete faith in you!

    I eagerly await the next installment of the Jess/Tim Saga.

  3. poor jess, money is fucked. i think we are all feeling it now and it annoys me that so many retards out there were all “ohh it sucks but it will never happen to me…” well suck shit fools its happening to everyone! *pant*
    ANYhoo 😛
    we just gotta all start enjoying the simpler things in life, remembering what we did when we were 15 and had no money but still always had fun 🙂

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