While I was stumbling around the internet today, I came across a person’s blog who was doing an interesting thing. An interesting thing that he apparently stole from someone else, which in turn, I am now stealing from him! It’s called “The 30 day blog challenge”! Credit where credit is due, I am totally stealing this from misstaylorcast.com, a site I came across on my daily StumbleUpon wanderings. I am stealing it, it is not my idea or my property – I just thought it was awesome, and am doing it for all the reasons she mentioned as well, such as getting over writer’s block.
Here’s what I’ll be writing about for the next 30 days. A lot of this stuff you might know about me already, dear readers, but even if you do, it might be an interesting new take on an old story or give you a new perspective on something you never thought to ask about in greater detail. Anyway, here’s the list: